Hello third graders and families! I am beyond excited to be starting another year together. I know we are going to learn a TON and have a great time in the process! Watch this space for pictures of your students, updates, and more! Speaking of pictures, it was my good intention to get pictures during open house, but there was too much going on. Thanks to our wonderful computer teacher, Melissa Ficklin, for snapping this picture with me and the very cute Madison -
Just a few things before we get started -
1. check out our grade level blog for even more information. That's found at http://www.perrine3rdgrade.blogspot.com/
2. please subscribe to my remind 101 account. That information was sent home during open house (or in the orange folder sent home if you were not able to make it).
3. We have P.E. on Mondays (yes, the first day of school!) so please make sure your students bring or wear the appropriate footwear (tennis shoes).
I think that's it for now, I look forward to our many adventures together this year!
Please Email or call me anytime with questions/concerns.
Thank you!
Jacqueline Jensen