vs. 1:
Halloween is really cool,
We love to go to school!
The World Series is sweet,
We dress up and trick or treat.
Vs. 2:
We play football in the Fall,
Sometimes we catch the ball.
We rake up the leaves and
jump in the piles,
And then we run and run for miles.
In the Fall we play lots of sports,
And it's too cold to wear shorts.
We eat lots and lots of candy,
The leaves falling is pretty handy!
vs 3:
We trick or treat on Halloween night,
The monsters give us a fright.
The witches take flight and scare
all the children,
And make brews in their cauldron.
Vs. 4:
The Giants took home the trophy,
People come to my house and
scare me.
We pick a pumpkin and carve
And put a candle inside to burn.